
Auto Split

Splitting Service Contracts Made Easy

Auto Split

Splitting Service Contracts Made Easy


To allow users to split Contract Line Items from the Master Service Contract into two or more new Child Service Contracts to avoid encountering issues like CPU time limit error or heap error while Amending or Renewing the respective Service Contract.

App Type

Lightning Platform

App Profile

An easy to install app for Salesforce users to split Service Contracts based on the Split Threshold Limit* (default – 150 CLI). This involves shifting Contract Line Items from the Master Service Contract to New Service Contract.

App Background

When a user has a Service Contract with a large number of Contract Line Items, they may face issues during Amending or Renewal of that particular service contract. Here, the AutoSplit App comes into play by splitting the Service Contract into multiple (up to 9) Child Service Contracts by shifting Contract Line Items to easily perform amendment and renewal operations in less time.

User Profile

Markets and businesses using Service Cloud and CPQ subscription-based products, contract management, and carrying out Amendment and Renewal operations on Service Contracts.

App Specifications

  • Supported Editions: Enterprise, Unlimited, Developer, Performance
  • Supported Languages: English
  • Supported Features: Lightning Experience
  • Select any additional Salesforce products required to use your app: Salesforce CPQ, Service Cloud for Salesforce CPQ

App Highlights

  • User can manage a Service Contract with a large number of Contract Line Items
  • Based on the Split Threshold Limit a respective number of Contract Line Items are moved from Master Service Contract to the New Service Contract.
  • All the related bundled products remain in the same Service Contract where the Parent Product is situated.

*Split Threshold is the limit we set on Contract Line Items to be shifted from the Master Service Contract to New Service Contracts that will be generate during the Auto Split process. By default, the limit is 150 per Service Contract and we recommend users to not set the limit beyond 150.

Splitting Service Contracts Made Easy
